Sunday, November 21st
11:00am - 5:00pm
Food Truck: Lobster Dogs 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Vendors: 12:00pm - 5:00pm
Beer Feelings & Rocky Mountain Brew Runs
K Stein Creations
Beerings my Miss Lupulin
Quarentine Project Hot Sauce
… and more will be set up at noon.
Are you also a vendor? We have space for you! Fill out the information below and we will follow up with you ASAP.
Chili Cook-Off
This is our first official chili cook-off! We will have a panel of five judges. Bring your chili at 11:00am and judging will be at 11:30am. The taproom will provide tasting cups and spoons. If you have any fixings you suggest with your chili, please bring those.
Winning the contest:
We will have the panel select and first and second prize winner. There will also be a people’s choice award so bring your family and friends.
The winners will be winning bragging rights, trophies and more! Stay tuned for more details.